Team Deposit Scheme

One of our goals is to make the weekend the best it can be for everyone. To encourage everyone to participate fully and fulfil their duties and commitments to play and officiate all matches wherever possible, and abide by all the rules and spirit of the event, we are taking an additional deposit this year from each team.

To receive the £30 entry deposit back, your team must satisfy ALL of the following criteria

If you satisfy ALL the criteria your deposit can either be refunded (£30) or, carried over to the following years tournament.

If you decide to carry the deposit over, you will have the opportunity to enter the tournament on the early bird date the following year and be guaranteed a team entry.


  • Partake in ALL scheduled matches – Sat & Sun

  • Be ready (with at least 6 players) to play when it is your time to play


  • Complete ALL refereeing duties – Sat & Sun

  • Be ready (with 3 people & 2 whistles) to referee when it is your team’s turn

  • Provide 1st Ref, 2nd Ref & Scorer


  • Send a team representative to attend the Captain’s Meeting at 8.30am on BOTH Saturday AND Sunday morning to register your team

Team sheet

  • Submit a completed team sheet prior to the Captain’s meeting on Saturday at 8.30am and preferably by Friday 19th July


  • Provide a valid mobile telephone number of the team contact person for the weekend and agree to join the tournament weekend WhatsApp group


  • Everyone in your team is polite, courteous and respectful to all players, officials, tournament helpers and anyone else at the tournament at all times

  • Your team plays by the FIVB rules

  • If there is an emergency and your team has to withdraw from the tournament early, a member of your team will inform Kate Falkner as soon as possible and IN PERSON BEFORE leaving the tournament.


At the end of the tournament all teams that satisfy the criteria in full will collect a ‘deposit refund voucher’ signed by Kate .

Failure to satisfy all the above criteria will result in a forfeit of your deposit plus the loss of the right to the early bird entry for the following year’s tournament.

If it comes to our attention (even after the tournament) that your team failed to satisfy the criteria, your deposit will be forfeited and the deposit refund voucher will be withdrawn.


Whitefield Tournament reserve the right to refuse team entries for unsportsmanlike or unacceptable behaviour.  Player safety and an enjoyable event for all is our primary goal.