Whitefield Volleyball Tournament - Guidelines for the Use of Images of Children and Young People under the age of 18
Whitefield Volleyball Tournament is committed to providing a safe environment for children/young people under the age of 18 to participate in volleyball activities and events. Essential to this commitment, is to ensure that all necessary steps are taken to protect children/young people from the inappropriate use of images. However, Whitefield Volleyball Tournament wants parents, carers, and other spectators to be able to take legitimate still images or video footage of their children/young people and more general images of the event.
The following guidelines have been adopted by Whitefield Volleyball Tournament to provide guidance on the measures taken by the club.
The following statement will be added to event publicity providing details of how to enter: “Photography at this event will be subject to the Club’s Guidelines. These can be found on the club’s internet site: https://whitefieldvolleyballtournament.uk/photography”
If any participants or spectator has a concern, they can report these to the organisers, committee, or to any of the volunteers. Any such concerns regarding inappropriate or intrusive photography will be investigated by the event organiser or an official and appropriate action taken. It will be recorded in the same manner as any other incident or child protection concern
Whitefield Tournament Registered Photographers
The tournament organisers will approve named individuals who will be known as Whitefield Tournament Registered Photographers. The tournament organisers may request any relevant information from the individual prior to granting approval. Whitefield Tournament Registered Photographers will be permitted to take photographs of all those participating at the tournament’s events. This may include all aspects of the event including at arrival, during play and around the site. However, the following apply to Whitefield Registered Photographers:
The name and contact details of Whitefield Tournament Registered Photographers will be available from tournament HQ. This information will be provided on request to participants, spectators and any parents and carers of juniors at the event.
Whitefield Tournament Registered Photographers will be issued with identification passes which must be worn and clearly visible at all times during the event.
In the case of juniors, the photographer will:
Only take images of participants in suitable dress
focus on the activity rather than a particular child
ensure that images reflect positive aspects of children’s involvement in volleyball, enjoyment/competition etc.,
where possible, use images that represent the broad range of children/young people taking part. This might include: boys and girls, ethnic minority communities, children/young people with disabilities
screen all images after an event and totally delete any which do not comply with this guidance.
Images from the events complying with this guidance may be used for publicity purposes on the tournament’s website or on Facebook.
With respect to juniors, a person may in advance, submit a request to Registration at an event for the Registered Photographers to avoid taking images of specified juniors and full compliance with any such request will be attempted. If any images of these juniors are taken, they will be deleted when identified.
A person may request the removal of images of specified individuals (of whatever age) from internet sites under our control and the club will endeavour to fully comply.
No images of juniors will be used in a way which would allow their names to be identified without the written permission of the parents or carers.
Other Participants or Spectators
Unless otherwise authorised due to the nature of the event, photography at an event by anyone other than a Whitefield Tournament Registered Photographer should normally be restricted to their team and friends only
·Parents or carers are welcome to take photographs or videos of their children at Whitefield Volleyball Tournament events but should limit the inclusion of other participants, especially juniors. Any public use of such images must not name any other juniors in the image without the written approval of their parents or carers.
Members of other clubs are welcome to take photographs or videos of other children who are members of their club on condition that their subsequent use will be subject to any guidelines adopted by their club. If the club does not have specific guidelines, then they should follow the national guidelines.
Anyone wishing to take photographs or videos more widely involving a range of participants without connection to themselves is required to seek approval as a Whitefield Tournament Registered Photographer by the club at least 7 days in advance of the event. The completed form should be emailed to whitefieldvbtournament@gmail.com
Request to Avoid Child Photography
If you would prefer that photographers attempt to avoid photographing certain individuals, please complete the details in the Request to Avoid Child Photography form which will be passed to any Whitefield Tournament Registered Photographer attending the event. Please note that a separate request will be required for each Whitefield Tournament event. These forms will also be available at all Whitefield Tournament events.